
Molex - As a leading global supplier of electronic interconnects, Molex is focused on designing and developing innovative solutions critical to products that touch virtually every walk of life. Our portfolio is among the world’s largest with over 100,000 products, including everything from electrical and fiber optic interconnect solutions to switches and application tooling. +More Molex serves customers in a variety of industries, including the telecom, datacom, computer / peripheral, automotive, premise wiring, industrial, consumer, medical and military markets. And because we have the highest levels of R&D investment in our industry, Molex is known for providing a continuous flow of innovation in areas such as high-speed signal integrity, miniaturization, higher power delivery, optical signal transmission and sealed harsh-environment connectivity. For over 70 years, our focus has been on providing advanced products that meet tomorrow’s needs, today.-Less
AX Semiconductor é un distribuidor de lotação de Molex. Póñase en contacto connosco se precisa de produtos feitos por Molex.
Molex productos
Conectores, interconectores
Ventiladores, xestión térmica
Indutores, bobinas, chokes
Xuntas de desenvolvemento, kits, programadores
Automatizacións e controis industriais
Cintas, adhesivos, materiais
Etiquetas, sinais, barreiras, identificación
Motores, solenoides, módulos de controladores
Protección de liña, distribución, copias de seguri
Equipamento informático
Equipos de inspección óptica