E-T-A - E-T-A Circuit Breakers is a world leading manufacturer of circuit breakers and is a single-source supplier for most circuit protection technologies: thermal, thermal-magnetic, magnetic, high performance and electronic. E-T-A circuit breakers are available in more than 150 models and 300,000 different configurations. E-T-A is also a leading manufacturer of solid state remote power controllers (SSRPCs). All E-T-A circuit protection devices are RoHS compliant.
AX Semiconductor é un distribuidor de lotação de E-T-A. Póñase en contacto connosco se precisa de produtos feitos por E-T-A.
E-T-A productos
Montaxes de cables
Protección de circuítos
Sensores, transductores
Fontes de alimentación: externas / internas (fóra
Automatizacións e controis industriais
Etiquetas, sinais, barreiras, identificación